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  • 卫乃兴,2016,学术英语再思考理论、路径与方法[J],《现代外语》,39(2):267-277。
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  • Park, Kwanghyun. (2014). Corpora and Language Assessment: The State of the Art. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 27-44.
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  • Cheng, W. & Cheng, L. (2014). Epistemic modality in court judgments: A corpus-driven comparison of civil cases in Hong Kong and Scotland. English for Specific Purposes, 33(Jan), 15-26.
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  • Dang, T. N. Y. & Webb, S. (2014). The lexical profile of academic spoken English. English for Specific Purposes, 33(Jan), 66-76.
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  • Hsu, W. (2014). Measuring the vocabulary load of engineering textbooks for EFL undergraduates. English for Specific Purposes, 33(Jan), 54-65.
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  • Geluso, J. (2013). Phraseology and frequency of occurrence on the web: native speakers' perceptions of Google-informed second language writing. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 144-157.
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  • Ariew, R., Flowerdew, L., & Aston, G. (2012). New trends in corpora and language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 641-643.
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  • Kohn, J. J., Zyngier, S., & Barbrook, G. (2012). Perspectives on corpus linguistics. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 644-645.
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  • Liu, Dilin, de Cock, S., & Granger, S. (2012). LINDSEI: Louvain international database of spoken English interlanguage. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 643-644.
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  • Lys, F. (2012). Corpora in language teaching and learning: Potential, evaluation, challenges. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 640-641.
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  • Moore, N. (2013). A taste for corpora: In honour of Sylviane Granger. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 35, 188-189.
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  • Ellis, N. C., O'Donnell, M. B., & Romer, U. (2013). Usage-based language: Investigating the latent structures that underpin acquisition. Language Learning, 63(Suppl. 1), 25-51.
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  • Harvey, K., & Brown, B. (2012). Health communication and psychological distress:Exploring the language of self-har. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 68(3), 316-340.
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  • Shea, M. (2011). International corpus of learner English: Version 2. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 140-142.
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  • Flowerdew, L. (2012). Exploiting a corpus of business letters from a phraseological, functional perspective. Recall, 24(2), 152-168.
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  • Crossley, S. A., Salsbury, T., & McNamara, D. (2011). Predicting lexical proficiency in language learner texts using computational indices. Language Testing, 28(4), 561-580.
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  • Ringbom, H. (2012). Review of recent applied linguistics research in Finland and Sweden, with specific reference to foreign language learning and teaching. Language Teaching, 45(4), 490-514.
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  • Kirkpatrick, A. (2011). Research into language education at The Research Centre for Language Education and Acquisition in Multilingual Societies (RCLEAMS) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Language Teaching, 44(3), 394-398.
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  • Deroey, K. L. B., & Taverniers, M. (2012). Just remember this: Lexicogrammatical relevance markers in lectures. English for Specific Purposes, 31, 221-233.
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  • Wharton, S. (2012). Epistemological and interpersonal stance in a data description task: Findings from a discipline-specific learner corpus. English for Specific Purposes, 31, 261-270.
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